The first step towards preserving the land and the natural environment is to consume only what is essential. Central Lechera Asturiana has an efficient packaging process that ensures it uses the least amount of materials, water and energy possible. Find out how it works!

Packaging design
Central Lechera Asturiana’s commitment: Eco-design
The company’s concern about the environment and caring for its products involves the company and its workers in a process of continuous improvement, which it also applies to its packaging design. It cares about minimising its environmental impact in all phases of the packaging material life cycle, from the raw materials with which they are manufactured, their transport and consumption, to the end of their useful life. Or from their first life.
Central Lechera Asturiana continually innovates in packaging eco-design. This means using recyclable, compostable and recycled materials as well as reducing grammages, eliminating unnecessary elements and choosing adhesives and inks that enable packaging to be given a second life easily. Even the characteristics of the packaging design can be a handicap for its recyclability, so Central Lechera Asturiana thinks and rethinks everything in order to reduce its impact every year.
Cartón y plástico
Maximising packaging recyclability
Developing recyclable packaging and ensuring food safety in products is a challenge for the industry in this sector and requires constant innovation and a lot of research. Central Lechera Asturiana eco-designs its packaging to be compatible with existing recycling processes.
- One hundred percent of its cartons come from sustainable sources and are FSC accredited, which means that the cardboard comes from sustainable forests that are managed to guarantee biodiversity, profitability and the well-being of the local communities involved in their production and maintenance.
- Ninety six percent of the cardboard used for product packaging comes from recycled material and recyclable plastics are used.
- If you like Central Lechera Asturiana bottled milk, you may already know that the plastic its bottles are made off is 100% recyclable*. Just deposit them in the appropriate container, the yellow one, and that's it. *Except for the aluminium seal, pursuant to the UNE-EN 13430:2005 and UNE-CEN/TR 13688: 2008 IN Standards.
- Also, whenever food safety so allows, recycled materials are incorporated, such as new films for grouping products made from 50% recycled plastics.

Everything counts
Consumption and awareness
Central Lechera Asturiana’s origin is in nature, in the fields and farms where its partners live. So the commitment to caring for the environment is part of its corporate culture from the inside and out.

Central Lechera Asturiana needs you to continue the cycle
The role of companies such as Central Lechera Asturiana is key, although a commitment is also needed from consumers like you. That is why Central Lechera Asturiana packaging includes an invitation to recycle with instructions on where to deposit the packaging to ensure a second life..
Yellow container: Plastic packaging waste, cans and cartons.
Blue container: Paper and cardboard waste.
Green container: Glass waste.