The scope of this certification covers all processes from extracting the raw materials through to the moment the product leaves the factory.
In addition, 100% of the cardboard the cartons are made from comes from sustainable sources accredited by the FSC.

Asturias Principality, 28 April 2022. Caring for the environment continues to be a priority for Central Lechera Asturiana, and also through its packaging, which is why it has just launched its new carbon-neutral carton certified by AENOR, after placing the first bottle on the market at the end of last year with zero net emissions also endorsed by AENOR.
To achieve this certification, the carbon footprint has been calculated incorporating all elements (primary, secondary and tertiary) from the extraction of raw materials through to when the product leaves the factories, also known as the “cradle to gate” protocol, following the GHG Protocol guidelines.
In addition, and in order to meet the company’s objective of achieving carbon neutrality, the emissions that cannot be reduced with current technology have been offset by investing in projects that promote renewable energies to help reduce emissions in developing countries.
Reducing the carbon footprint
At the same time, work has been ongoing with suppliers to implement a series of measures to reduce the carbon footprint of packaging and incorporating more efficient technologies and more sustainable materials in products and processes.
All the films used for grouping products are made from 50% plastic of recycled origin. Milk cartons also include renewable-origin plastics, since both the cap and the internal layers that ensure product conservation are made from sugar cane. The use of these materials represents an 18% reduction in the carbon footprint, compared to the use of fossil-based materials.
Also, one hundred percent of the cartons come from sustainable sources and are FSC accredited, which means that the raw material comes from sustainable forests that are managed to guarantee biodiversity, profitability and the well-being of the local communities involved in their production and maintenance.
Others that contribute to fighting climate change
Many projects have been launched to minimise the consumption of resources, as well as to reduce the impact on the environment. The “No Energy Waste” project is worthy of mention, recently having been awarded in the “go!ODS” awards, convened by the United Nations Global Compact of Spain and the Rafael del Pino Foundation, for contribution towards achieving the SDG 13: Climate action.
Recent certifications
In 2020, the company was the first to have a certified circular economy strategy, the first zero-waste dairy company in all its factories and the first Spanish carbon-neutral company in all its factories (scope 1+2) certified in the three areas by AENOR.
Thanks to this and together with its cooperative business model that is supported by its Comprehensive Sustainability Plan, it also became the first Spanish dairy company to obtain B CORP certification in June 2020 for complying with the highest standards of social and environmental impact in its activity.
Central Lechera Asturiana is the first Spanish dairy company to have obtained the B CORP seal for generating a positive impact on society and the planet through its activity and through fulfilling its purpose. Committed to its farmers and to producing 100% natural products, Central Lechera Asturiana is also the leading dairy brand in Spain, a leader in the sale of liquid milk, cream and butter. It has supported the primary sector since its creation, ensuring its farming partners’ sustainability, guaranteeing that their milk, 100% Spanish, is sold, and providing them with technical assistance for professional and personal development through a unique work method endorsed by the “Farmers Guarantee” seal. Central Lechera Asturiana promotes health through nutrition, producing 100% natural products suitable for a healthy diet that helps to improve quality of life. It maintains the highest respect for the origin and the natural environment; minimising the environmental impact of farms and factories, being the first Spanish company to certify its “Circular Economy Strategy” and “Carbon Neutrality” in its plants. It was also the first dairy company to obtain “Zero Waste” certification. Central Lechera Asturiana is careful about everything it does, maintains a commitment to quality employment and is family-friendly, fostering work/life balance among employees.