- ‘Look, smell, taste’ is a badge created by Too Good To Go that is included on packaging to remind consumers to use their senses on products with best-before dates to avoid waste.
- The dairy brand will progressively include this new badge on its products.
- Four out of ten consumers are not clear about the difference between the best-before date and the expiry date.
Central Lechera Asturiana joins the ‘Look, Smell, Taste’ initiative launched by Too Good To Go, the app that fights against food waste, to end the confusion generated by the date labels on food among consumers and help to curb food waste.
According to the European Commission, 10% of all food that is wasted in Europe has to do with the date labelling on food and one of the main causes is the confusion that still exists today among consumers when interpreting the different types of dates. Also, according to data from the Consumers and Users Organisation, it is estimated that four out of ten Spanish people are not clear about the difference between the best-before date and the expiry date.
With the ‘Look, Smell, Taste’ initiative promoted by Too Good To Go and which Central Lechera Asturiana has joined, both brands aim to put a stop to this confusion and remind consumers that the best-before date indicates the time until which the food preserves the expected organoleptic quality and, once that date has passed, the food may have slightly changed its texture or flavour, but it is still safe to consume.
To do this, Too Good To Go has created the ‘Look, Smell, Taste’ badge. It is a new label that is only added to the packaging of foods with a best-before date to encourage consumers to use their senses before throwing away food with an expired best-before date.This reminds consumers that if the product looks good, smells good and tastes good, then it can be consumed, thus avoiding unnecessary waste of a lot of food.
Too Good To Go is thus bringing together major brands in the food sector that are already working to add this new badge to their products. This is the case of Central Lechera Asturiana which, in line with its commitment to the fight against food waste, will progressively add the ‘Look, Smell, Taste’ label to its milk cartons.
Manuel Reinerio Fernández Cabal, the dairy brand’s Director of Communication and CSR says, “Participating in this campaign implies continuing to support TOO GOOD TO GO by making our assets available to them with the aim of conveying messages that help to raise awareness in society about the importance of reducing food waste. This is one of our priorities within our Comprehensive Sustainability Plan.”
‘Look, Smell, Taste’ is a global initiative that Too Good To Go has already activated in other countries including France, Germany, the United Kingdom and Denmark, among others. It has now just launched in Spain, already having the support of 17 national brands to help consumers in the fight against waste. In the words of Madalena Rugeroni, director of Too Good To Go in Spain and Portugal, “it is in households where most food is wasted and much of this is due to confusion about the dates on food. Food waste is one of the great problems that needs to be solved by society today and the time to act is now. We therefore launched the ‘Look, Smell, Taste’ campaign and we are happy to have Central Lechera Asturiana’s commitment in this initiative because we know that together we will be able to inspire many people and avoid wasting a lot of food.”
For further information, please visit www.mirahueleprueba.org